In the Press

"Friend of Backyard Animals," Why our patented-pending FOBA bycatch prevention traps matter.
The FOBA Trap isn't like other traps... The most effective and common method used to trap and kill Spotted Lanternflies is sticky tree tape. Without the FOBA Trap, Lanternflies stuck on sticky tape make easy meals for backyard birds and mammals. These other species will often get themselves stuck to the tape as they attempt to capitalize on the free snack, leading to extremely distressed animals. Most of the time, the sticky glue is too much for backyards birds and mammals to overcome. We set out to design a system that expands on the effectiveness of sticky tree tape, while eliminating the problem of "bycatch," or harming unintended native species. Spotted Lanternflies already account for millions of dollars in damages and habitat destruction every year. Our mission is to help eliminate the harm these pests cause, and part of that mission includes protecting our native vertebrate species along the way. We ask you to join us in this mission. Protect our native habitats and species, and stop the spread of the invasive Spotted Lanternfly.

Spotted Lanternflies
Invasive Species
Spotted Lanternflies are a detrimental invasive species spreading across much of the United States. They cause hundreds of millions of dollars of damage to United States Agriculture, a figure that will only grow. Fight their spread by using the FOBA Spotted Lanternfly Trap with bycatch prevention!