Use the FOBA Spotted Lanternfly Trap on the frontlines of the fight against invasive and destructive Spotted lanternfly at orchards, municipalities, and homes. These insects wreak havoc to US agriculture and our beloved backyards. FOBA’s patented solution effectively stops the bugs in their tracks while reducing detrimental bycatch. The most effective SOLUTION for mid-Atlantic, new England, Mid-West, and Smokey Mountain States to trap and kill Spotted Lanternflies. We are here to help our communities in New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and Connecticut, currently seeing an influx of Spotted Lanternflies. Are they showing up in your state or area? Reach out to see how can help effectively stop the spread of the Spotted lanternfly!
Spotted Lanternflies pose one of the most significant agricultural risks The United States has seen in the great history of this country. If you’re here, you likely already know that. The FOBA (Friend of Backyard Animals) Cage has two priorities when it comes to stopping this invasive pest species from spreading across our country. The first is to enable solutions that work in killing these insects; that is why we are committed to the utilization of glue traps. The second, and fundamental purpose of the FOBA Cage, is to keep other friendly critters of your backyard from getting stuck to the glue as well.
You can be a Friend of Backyard Animals and fight the good fight against Spotted Lanternflies with effective glue traps, all while protecting the birds and mammals from the danger that glue-traps present. The FOBA cage is specifically designed to allow lanternflies and other insects in, but keep everyone else out!
Our goal is to prevent the spread of these insects across The United States, and glue-traps do a great job of halting them in their tracks. Rules and regulations, however, have been cutting back on the effectiveness of this method. Will you join us in arming backyard lanternfly fighters with a safer, friendlier, and environmentally protective solution to maximize the potential of glue-traps in fighting Spotted Lanternflies?
Our team is always available to chat about our one of a kind Spotted Lanternfly Trap. Want to work together? Reach out hello@TrapSpottedLanternflies.com
Looking to carry the FOBA Trap in your store? Place a wholesale order!