How to Control Spotted Lanternfly Infestations: Using Sticky Tree Tape with FOBA Trap

How to Control Spotted Lanternfly Infestations: Using Sticky Tree Tape with FOBA Trap

Spotted lanternflies have become a major concern for homeowners in many parts of the country. These invasive insects can cause significant damage to trees and plants, and can be difficult to control. While there are many methods for controlling spotted lanternflies, using sticky tree tape is one of the most effective solutions for homeowners.

What is sticky tree tape? Sticky tree tape, also known as sticky bands, is a sticky adhesive that is wrapped around the trunk of trees to trap spotted lanternflies as they crawl up the tree. The tape is coated with a sticky substance that makes it difficult for the insects to move, and they eventually become stuck to the tape.

Why is sticky tree tape effective? Sticky tree tape is effective because it targets spotted lanternflies specifically. It is also an affordable and easy-to-use method for homeowners who want to control the infestation on their own. However, sticky tree tape can come with detrimental bycatch,

Introducing the FOBA Trap: While sticky tree tape is an effective method for controlling spotted lanternflies, it can also be harmful to wildlife that may become stuck to the tape. That's where the FOBA Trap comes in.

FOBA Trap, or Friend of Backyard Animals, is a solution that allows homeowners to use sticky tree tape without the detrimental bycatch. The FOBA Trap is a specially designed cage that can be placed over the sticky tree tape, preventing other animals from becoming stuck. This innovative solution is an excellent option for homeowners who want to control spotted lanternflies while minimizing harm to other creatures.

Using sticky tree tape with FOBA Trap is easy. First, wrap the sticky tree tape around the trunk of the tree. Next, wrap the FOBA hook'n'loop belt around the tree, right above the tape, making sure it is tightly secured. Then simply attach each cage link to the hook'n'loop belt, leaving no more than .75 inches between each link. The FOBA Trap will prevent birds, squirrels, and other animals from becoming stuck to the tape while allowing spotted lanternflies to crawl onto the tape and become trapped.

In conclusion, using sticky tree tape with FOBA Trap is an effective and eco-friendly method for controlling spotted lanternflies in your backyard. By using this innovative solution, you can protect your trees and plants from the damage caused by these invasive insects, while minimizing harm to other beneficial wildlife.